Atlantis: 4x4, 2x2, 2EB (remote)
training packages
Atlantis EEG amplifiers are excellent resources for doing up to 4 channel z-score training. They have numerous auxiliary ports to support HEG-NIR & PIR, photic stim, pEMF coils and much more. Many clinics use Discovery to acquire QEEG data and then train clients with Atlantis hardware. It is a great back-up device for any QEEG amplifier. State licensure is required to purchase BrainMaster's FDA 510k medical equipment. Atlantis 2EB was designed to support remote training. Please consult the chart below for all Atlantis options, there are many ways to use this excellent device. Or call me for equipment suggestions.
Atlantis purchases come with PC suggestions and all software needed to operate the Atlantis will be installed on your gaming computer. Do you need help getting started with BrainAvatar? I will help you to become more familiar with the operating system and basic 4-channel z-score training. It's all part of the purchase.